1. Consulting on law of foreign jurisdictions:
- foreign and immigration law, getting visa and residence permit;
- registration of legal entities and branch offices;
- legal support in purchase of real estate property;
- labour law;
- criminal law;
- traffic law (compensating pecuniary damage and pain and suffering);
- civil law (including debt collection);
- family law (divorce, alimony payment, inheritance);
- providing full service to legal entities and individuals.
2. Consulting on establishing of foreign companies' representative bodies in the territory of the Russian Federation. Supporting of registration process at any stage.
3. Consulting on issues concerning court procedures in arbitration tribunals (rcourts of referees) of foreign countries:
- Check of the wording of arbitration agreements or clauses;
- Evaluation of the validity and enforceability of arbitration agreements and clauses;
- Assistance in choosing of a court representative for participation in arbitration in a foreign jurisdiction.
4. Legal support of disputes in foreign jurisdictions:
- Representing the clients' interests in national courts and arbitration tribunals (referees courts) in foreign countries;
- Representing the clients' interests in the competent courts of the Russian Federation regarding cases on acknowledgement and execution of decisions of foreign countries' national courts and arbitration tribunals (referees courts);
- Providing expert assistance (preparation of legal opinions on Russian and foreign law content for presentation in national state or arbitration courts) and consulting on cases processed in foreign countries' national courts and arbitration tribunals (referees courts).